How to photograph water droplet

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of capturing captivating water droplets or splashes using a simple setup. Additionally, I will show you how to add a colorful reflection to your image, which can change the water's appearance. Throughout the tutorial, you will find a collection of images that I captured during my own experimentation.

To begin, you'll need the following equipment:

  1. Camera: Any camera with manual settings will work, including a DSLR or a smartphone with manual controls.

  2. Macro lens or close-up filters: These will allow you to focus on small details and capture the intricate beauty of water droplets.

  3. Tripod: A sturdy tripod will keep your camera stable, ensuring sharp images.

  4. A shallow container: Use a tray or a wide dish to hold water for creating droplets or splashes.

  5. Colored paper or gel filters: These will be used to add a vibrant reflection to the water.